Painting of Apollo and Daphne

Junior Comp Events Cancelled

Amid the many important University announcements relating to the transition to online instruction, a message from Umrath Hall to let you know that we will be doing all we can to tend the IPH hearth over these next weeks. We very much want to support all members of our intellectual community, and to that end we encourage you to keep in close—if virtual—contact with your colleagues, mentors, students, and friends as we move into unsettled new times.

These weeks at the end of March are usually a bustle of activity in IPH, and we deeply regret the cancellation of our celebratory (and convivial) banquet, along with Miriam Bailin’s talk on Dickens. We will be running the junior exam and senior thesis defenses by way of our new best friend Zoom. The IPH website will carry updates on student progress. Be sure to check in regularly for announcements on what is happening in the department.

Matt Kelley will be raising our spirits with his customary combination of rigorous attention to detail and warm human kindness. Don’t hesitate to reach out to him with any questions or observations: or 314-935-4200.

Anca Parvulescu and Philip Purchase will be holding virtual office hours until the end of the semester at the following times:

Anca Parvulescu: Monday 10-12 and Wednesday 1-3.

Philip Purchase: Monday 10-12 and Thursday 2-4.

Send us an email, and we’ll set up a Zoom conversation or telephone call. We do hope that you will let us know what is on your mind, whether that involves practical matters related to course advising and requirements, or thoughts and observations that grow out of this upheaval we are all undergoing to various extents. Let’s take this opportunity to redouble our commitment to the vibrant, experimental project that is IPH.

With all best wishes,

Anca Parvulescu and Philip Purchase